About Dr. Kalia | Pain Management Doctor Orlando (Dr. Phillips)

Work With A Top Pain Management Doctor

Welcome to Innovative Pain Solutions

Dr. Kalia specializes in minimally invasive treatments for a wide spectrum of pain conditions. He is a double board-certified Anesthesiologist and Pain Management doctor. Dr. Kalia follows evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of chronic spine pain. Pain emanating from the spine presents complex diagnostic challenges. Using a combination of various modalities which works best for the individual patient is the best approach to chronic pain management. An interventional approach to diagnosing chronic spine pain is very effective in formulating an appropriate chronic treatment plan.

Chronic pain is a complex medical problem. Various clinics offer partial solutions to this complex problem. Whether it is doing nerve blocks only, medication prescribing only, physical medicine rehab only, etc. An appropriately trained pain management physician incorporates all these aspects in his practice.

Dr. Kalia is a Top Pain Management Doctor

Dr. Kalia’s practice philosophy is that pain management is an area of medicine where the same, standard treatment algorithms applied to a vast population of patients does not work well. Pain treatment is often unique to the patient in question, and therefore must be carefully and individually tailored to the patient’s needs, striving to return the individual to their highest functional level possible.

What Makes Dr. Rajan Kalia Different

It’s not just his philosophy that makes Dr. Kalia’s practice unique. We strive to provide the very best service on all fronts. Here’s a few things that makes Dr. Kalia different:

  • A doctor who truly listens. Patients are treated to a calm and easy-going experience where the doctor spends the time necessary to listen to your concerns and find solutions to your pain.
  • Well researched and up-to-date treatments. Dr. Kalia is constantly staying abreast of all the latest technologies and research studies where pain is concerned.
  • A specialized facility, just for your needs. Having a center that specializes in pain treatment, and only pain treatment guarantees that you will receive the absolute best in care from a highly knowledgeable doctor.
  • Plenty of knowledge and experience. Due to his background in anesthesiology, Dr. Kalia ensures his patients receive the proper amount of medications when necessary.

You don’t have to live with chronic pain. Get comprehensive treatment, and let Dr. Kalia at Innovative Pain Solutions provide you with the superior service that you need to live a better, more pain-free life.

Need To Schedule an Appointment?

If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with our pain management doctor (Dr. Kalia), please visit the contact page where you can find office location information and directions. If you would like immediate attention, please call the office at 407-284-1993.

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