How Can You Manage Your Chronic Back Pain The Right Way?

What to Do About Chronic Lower Back Pain

Wondering if your back pain is normal? You know exercising and being active can always leave you a little sore, but at what point should you seek pain management, especially if you’re in the Orlando area? Read on to find out ways to manage your back pain and some innovative ways of solving it. 


Lower Back Pain Symptoms

Many of us will experience lower back pain at some point in our lives. Moving around and staying active leaves your body’s muscles sore, but usually on a temporary basis. But if that back pain is persistent despite home remedies or is lasting longer than 12 weeks, it may be chronic lower back pain, and can be happening for multiple reasons. Some health concerns related to the pain can be arthritis, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease. With these conditions, the pain will start increasing over time, and could leave you immobile. Before your condition worsens and you’re finding pain management in Orlando for it, continue reading for some tips to help overcome this battle.


Manage Your Back Pain The Right Way

If you’re experiencing lower back pain almost constantly, it’s time to do something about it! And the last thing you want to do is to make it worse or continue slogging through daily activities with no relief. Over 16 million Americans experience chronic pain, and are thus limited in some capacity in what they can accomplish in a day. 


One of the biggest things you can do right now is be as active as possible, at least for thirty minutes a day. Depending on your level of pain, it may seem impossible or not worth it, but keeping your body active, your muscles flexible and your weight under control will definitely be worth it. Exercising will also ensure good blood flow in your body and can help with stress reduction. 


Maintaining a good diet can also help with your back pain. Eating right by including a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables will keep your body well and also promote a healthy weight, helping to relieve any excess weight and pressure on your lower spine. Decreasing or eliminating sugary and high-processed food will help keep any body inflammation down too; if you suffer from sciatica or other other nerve compression conditions, a healthy diet can help lower the chance of a flare up.


A few other tips are to get a regularly scheduled massage. They are a great way to release tension in your muscles and better improve your blood circulation. Massages also help keep your muscles relaxed and mobile, and can ease existing pain and inflammation in your body. Remember to keep your posture on point as well. You can significantly reduce additional strain and stress on your muscles that help support your spine. Staying aware of your posture and correcting it throughout the day can help reduce discomfort, along with practicing some core-strengthening exercises and techniques, and help keep your spine in proper alignment.       


Contact Us

Before you become another statistic, reach out to Innovative Pain Solutions today to manage your back pain. Our specially trained doctors and staff can find the right pain treatment in Orlando for you, whether it’s a variety of treatment plans or one targeted, specific procedure. Call us today to get your life back on the right track!

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