All The Different Ways That Patients Can Treat Mid Back Pain

Understanding And Treating Mid Back Pain

Mid Back Pain in Orlando

Several things may be causing your mid back pain, including obesity, a muscle sprain or strain, or simply aging. Just as there are many causes of this kind of back pain, there are also a number of treatments that may alleviate it. Treatments range from home remedies to surgeries, and your doctor can tell you which method will bring you relief. 


If you’re looking for a doctor to provide pain management in Orlando/Dr. Phillips, you’ve come to the right place! Visit Innovative Pain Solutions online today to learn more or to book an appointment in Orlando.


Home Remedies That May Treat Mid Back Pain

If you’re experiencing pain in your mid back, the first thing you’ll want to try is a couple of different home remedies. The most common home remedy is to ice the area and then apply a hot compress. This can provide immediate relief in many situations, and should always be one of the first things you try. If icing and heating the area doesn’t work, you can try taking over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen (Aleve). This should reduce any swelling that’s causing your back pain. 


You can also try stretching your back muscles. You might want to try stretches that specifically target the back area or a yoga routine meant to strengthen your back. If none of these remedies provide relief, you may want to try other treatments.


Medical Treatments To Treat Mid Back Pain

If home remedies aren’t working for you and your pain lasts 72 hours or more, it’s time to see a doctor. A doctor that offers pain management in Orlando/Dr. Phillips may recommend:


  • Physical therapy
  • A chiropractic adjustment
  • Prescription medication, such as pain relievers or muscle relaxers
  • Steroid injections


Your doctor will be able to recommend the best form of treatment for the cause of your pain. In severe cases, they may suggest some kind of surgical treatment.


Surgeries That Help Mid Back Pain

If you’ve tried several different home remedies and medical treatments to no avail, your pain management doctor may recommend a surgical procedure. There are a few procedures that can do wonders for back pain, and the best option depends on the specific cause of your problem. Some of the surgeries your doctor may recommend include:


  • A discectomy, which helps treat a pinched nerve by removing part of the spinal disk.
  • A laminectomy, where the lamina, or the back wall of the vertebrae, is removed in order to decompress the spinal cord.
  • A laminotomy, where part of the lamina is removed to treat a pinched nerve.


Each of these surgeries will require a significant amount of recovery time, so it’s important to try every home remedy and medical treatment you can before undergoing the procedure. 


Contact Us

Mid back pain can occur due to several different factors, such as your weight, an injury or fall, or even something as small as bad posture! Before you consult a doctor that offers pain management in Orlando/Dr. Phillips, try the home remedies listed above. If you find that none of these work for you, contact Innovative Pain Solutions in Orlando to seek medical treatment.

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